How to identify your UTV or ATV model year

Posted by Thomas Marguglio on

The 10th character in the 17-character VIN represents the vehicle model-year.

This standard applies to vehicles built in or after 1981. ...

Note: VINs do not include the letters I (i), O (o), Q (q), U (u) or Z (z), or the number 0, so that they will not be confused with similar looking numbers/letters.

Read the tenth digit. This digit represents the year that the ATV was made. For example, A=1980, B=1981, Y=2000, 1=2001, 9=2009 and A=2010. This letter or number can repeat (the "A," for example), but the codes of the other digits in the VIN allow you to know in which year the ATV was made.

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